Negotiating Skills I Wish I Had In My 20s

Shani Silver
6 min readOct 11, 2023

Undervaluing my work & other things I had to grow out of.

Photo by Shani Silver

I used to be a lawyer, but there’s nothing I’m about to say regarding earning more money and freelancing that has anything to do with that misguided endeavor. I spent most of my career as a startup stooge, “wearing many hats” and all that bullshit. Eventually I recognized that my work was not only undervalued, but I was undervalued, as evidenced by how quickly an “editorial director” role could devolve into handling any task a company didn’t want to hire someone for. Four years ago, I left a world that didn’t give a shit about me and I became a full-time freelance writer, writing coach, and podcaster.

Before I plunge myself into the sticky ball pit of negotiations, I will also give you the three pieces of advice I give to everyone who ever asks me about going freelance or growing a business as a freelance writer, I think they’re a good starting point before working on negotiation niceties. If you’d like further freelance writing advice beyond this, I charge for one-hour Google Hangout sessions. Keep reading, and you’ll see why.

  • Your social media bios should be polished (and link to your website)
  • Your website/portfolio should be polished (and link to your social media)
  • You should be easy to contact (please do not…

