Aging Is Expensive

Shani Silver
4 min readMay 23, 2022

I just spent $50 on probiotics and I need to talk about it.

Photo by the author.

To be clear, I’m happy to get older. I mean shit, consider the alternative. As much as our world cherishes youth, ironically the dumbest era of our lives, I prioritize age. I’ve only ever seen good come of it. And as I’m currently 40 days away from my 40th birthday, I find myself taking stock of things like my health, self-care, routines, etc., just to make sure everything still works and I’m not autopiloting my adulthood. As a result, I’ve come to a conclusion that’s twisting my stomach like a wet tea towel: My 20s and 30s were cheap, and I didn’t care.

The ignorance of youth is not only bliss, it is affordable. The way I used to need nothing more than a Target run to take care of myself is starting to break my heart. Things just aren’t enough anymore, not to deal with what Father Time has planned. Effortless is no longer feasible, and as I’m discovering, effort affects your finances. Don’t believe it? Turn 38 and try to fall asleep unassisted—then get back to me.

I can’t just…have hair anymore, I have to dye it every five weeks or it will be gray, a color other people are cool with but I am just not. The affordable skincare I’ve been using for years is suddenly comically ineffective in the literal face of Mother Nature, and the probiotics I’ve been taking for the last five years or so have lost all…

