3 Pre-Holiday Reads For Singles

Shani Silver
3 min readNov 10, 2022

Seasonal support for solo celebrators.

The holiday season holds a lot for singles, and that’s without factoring in things like comparison and the fact that you might actually like having someone to celebrate the season with romantically. But what I’ve learned from this community is that by far the hardest part of the holidays has to do with the incoming. The comments, the questions, the words and glances that “mean well” and “just want you to be happy.” And since I can’t educate our families and loved ones (though, I’m working on that), I can help singles shift their perspectives and reclaim the self worth that outdated, degrading singlehood narratives have stolen. Happy Holidays.

1 ) A Single Revolution: Don’t look for a match—light one.

This book exists because it’s the one I needed and couldn’t find. In my hardest days of single struggles, all I could EVER find was pile after pile of useless dating advice that blamed me for “doing it wrong” at its core. In my dream world every single is reading this book on planes and trains home for the holidays, preparing themselves for a very, very different experience this year—one that’s led by self worth and validity as opposed to failure and shame.

I don’t want us smiling and nodding through embarrassing questions, insinuations, and outright jokes about how we’re…

